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N.B.A.Finals Game 7     
June 17-2016     Game 7 between the Cleveland Cavaliers and Golden State Warriors is Sunday at Oracle Arena ( 8 p.m. ET ) the Cavaliers won Game 6 , 115 - 101. Texas pheno. predicts the Cleveland Cavaliers will win the final game 7.                                                           June 20- 2016   Right.                                                                                                                 Oakland,California. The Cleveland Cavaliers won N.B.A  Finals Game 7,   93- 89 . LeBron,James ,Akron born, made several smart moves to score the highest points 27, K. Irving 26. Cleveland will celebrate N.B.A. finals championship on Wednesday.      Texas pheno predicted the Cleveland Cavaliers would win against Golden State Warriors in June 17 - 2016.   June 28-2016                                   U.K.exits E.U.                                                                               England voted for Brexit by 53.4% to 46.6% as did Wales,with leave getting 52.5 to 47.5%.Scotland voted to remain in E.U. Scotland First Minister Nicola Sturgeon  said a new independence referendum in Scotland is likely. Scotland voted to remain in U.K. in 2014 referendum. Prime Minster David Cameron is the one who initiated unnecessary referendum thinking U.K. will remain in European Union . David Cameron will resign in October 2016. Texas Pheno. predicts the next U.K. Prime Minster is a lady.
 July 3-2016                                      European Union                
The United Nations Security has authorized European Union to seize and dispose of vessels operated by human traffickers in the Mediterranean sea on July 1-2016. The 15 Members Council adopted  the British drafted resolution with 14 votes in favor. Venezuela abstained. Venezuela ,which abstained ,said that this was a militarization  of the efforts to deal with the refugees in the Mediterranean. By Aljazeera's James Bay.                                                                                                                                                                                                        July 3-2016.                             
 The Korea Times by Ko Dong -hwan.    South Korea                                                                     President Park Geun - hye will visit Japan later this year ... the first time since taking office three years ago. Lee Joon-gyu who was recently named South Korea ambassador to Japan, said four days ago. Texas pheno. predicted President Park Geun-hye would visit Japan in Feb-10 - 2013.
July 8-2016  Right.                              U.K.                                                                               BBC News.      Michael Gove is eliminated from Prime Minister U.K race yesterday. It is all ladies race. Texas pheno. predicted in June -28- 2016 the next Prime Minster would be a lady.       Andrea Leadsom faces Theresa May. Theresa May supported Prime Minster David Cameron   to remain in E.U. referendum. Andrea Leadsom backed a vote to leave the E.U. Theresa May is Oxford graduate 1977. Texas Pheno predicts Theresa May will be the next prime minster.                                                                                                                     July11-2016. Right                               UNITED KINGDOM                                                          AOL News. Theresa May will become the next prime minster of the United Kingdom on Wednesday evening. Texas Pheno. predicted  the next prime minster would be Theresa May in July 8- 2016.. Prime Minster May will travel to meet German Chancellor Angela Merkel..            July 16- 2016                                       TURKEY                                                                     Aijazeera News.Ankara.Attempted coup leave 265 dead. Government says 2,839 military personnel detained as coup put down despite pockets of resistance holding out in Ankara. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan calls to extradite the preacher Fethullah  Gulen  living in Philadelphia, United States. The Gulen movement denied any involvement. Texas Pheno. predicts Fethullah Gulen will be extradited.                                                                                  July 22-2016. Right.                                U.K Prime Minster                                                   CNN News.   Theresa May met  with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin Wednesday July 20-2016. This is her first international trip as Britain's Prime Minster, for talks that she hopes will help smooth Brexit negotiations.  Texas Pheno. predicted  Theresa May would travel to meet Angela Merkel in July - 11- 2016.              

   November 10- 2016                      2016 U.S. Election               TB Joshua Influential Nigerian TV evangelist TB Joshua's prediction that Hillary Clinton would win the U.S. presidential election has been removed from his Facebook account. The U.S. election prediction was broadcast on Mr. Joshua's TV channel Emmanuel TV. Many people believe, internationally known preacher TB Joshua has supernatural powers,which include healing and prophecy.  According to the New York Post, the electoral college is made up of chosen electors who vote for president, they do not vote on Election day.  They will come together on December 19, 2016. Typically they vote for the candidate who won the electoral college votes. Donald Trump is the 45th president of the United States.          
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 December- 21-2016 .                      Microsoft Corp.                         By Richard Saintvilus.  With the stock still trading near all-time highs $63.54, Microsoft  Corp. (MSFT) decided to share some of it's earnings success with the shareholders by declaring a .39 cent per share divident that is payable March 9- 2017. Texas pheno. is bullish, the stock will keep closing new highs.                                                                                                                       
                                                          2017 Super Bowl                                                            February 3 -2017.  New England Patriots vs Atlanta  Falcons  will be played at NRG Stadium in Houston, Texas with the nation's fourth largest city on February 5 - 2017. Texas pheno. predicts New England Patriots will win.

February 6 -2017. Houston. Right.
New England Patriots recovered from record low to beat Atlanta Falcons on overtime 34 to 28. Tom Brady winning five Super Bowl. A third -quarter touchdown made it 28 - 3 for Atlanta , but the Patriots refused to give up and scored 31 points for the greatest come back ever in a Super Bowl game.Texas Pheno. predicted on Feb. 3 - 2017 New England Patriots would win 
Super Bowl 51                                                                                                                                                                                    South Korea                                                                          February 10 - 2017. Park remains President of South Korea although she has has been stripped of her powers while the Constitutional Court decides whether to uphold the impeachment in the coming months. Texas pheno. predicts President Park will regain her political powers.                                                                                                                                                        Arctic                                                                           February 15 -2017. BBC by Jonathan Beale.                                                                             Norway. Russia is building up it's forces -causing concern for the U.S., which has called it's conduct in the Arctic"aggressive." Russia making claims huge oil and gas reserves in the Arctic  thought  to be greater than of Saudi Arabia.                                                                                March 10 - 2017  Wrong.
President Park of South Korea is removed from office. The Constitutional Court decided to uphold the impeachment yesterday.Park Geun-hye friend and confidante Choe Soon-Sil had intervened in the government affairs for private gains. Texas pheno. predicted Park would regain her political powers in February 10 - 2017.   South Korea will elect another President in May 10- 2017.                                                
 March 30 - 2017                                                   Scotland                                                      Scottish lawmakers voted to seek a new referendum on independence on Tuesday March 28 -2017.The Scots will vote on Scotland independence between in fall 2018 and Spring 2019 upon approval by U.K. Scottish voters rejected independence in 2014 referendum that Stuergeon's Scottish National Party called a once in- a generation vote. But Sturgeon says Breexit has altered conditions dramatically.                                                                                  April 26- 2017 Right                    Microsoft Corp.
Texaspheno. predicted Microsoft would close new highs in December 21 -2016.  Microsoft closed  new highs 8 times since December 21 -2016.  It reached a new high at $68.14 per share in April 25-2017.                                                                                                               April 27 - 2017. BBC News                             North Korea                                                                         Speaking to members of the U.S. Congress on Wednesday, Adm. Harry Harris, Commander of the U.S. Pacific command, said Thaad would be "operational in the coming days to be able to better defend South Korea against the growing North Korea threat". Thaad is High Attitude Area Defence System that shoots down short- and medium range ballistic missiles.                                                                                                                                                          July 8-2017.  New York Times.         Eritrea capital Asmara makes World Heritage List.                                       Today, 8 July 2017, at the 41st Session of the World Heritage Committee taking place in Krakow,Poland from 7-12 July 2017, unanimously decided to put the African nation's capital city of Asmara into the World Heritage list, citing 19th and 20th century modern architecture ,designed by futuristic Italian  Architects. "The city's recognition as a heritage site of outstanding universal value fills us with tremendous pride and joy ,but also with a profound sense of responsibility  and duty," said Hanna Simon,Eritrea's Ambassador in France and permanent delegate to UNESCO.Eritrea is rich in mining with population 6. 400.000.

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