Dr.Abba Isak is recognized by Texas Phenomenological Psychology Research Center as a lead scientist for his research  the phenomenological method. Dr. Abba Isaak lived in the town of Afelba about 30 miles south from the capital city of Asmara, Eritrea.He went into exile to Italy during of Col. Mengistu Hailemariam regime of Ethiopia in 70's.As a student he was chosen by the Catholic Church to be one of the five students  to continue his education in Italy in the early 1930. Thousands of Eritrean families benefited from his extraordinary  talent as Third Eye Meditation Expert, a pulse diagnostician medical doctor, an existential psychoanalyst  and a futurist. He was one of the most influential men in Eritrea.
 Dr. Triguna is a director of the world center of Maharishi Ayur-Ved in India.  Dr. Triguna has received India highest civil award, the Padma Bhushan Award. Dr. Triguna says, "One has to master his qualities of focus and concentration in order to feel the pulse readings". It is not secret knowledge. It can be taught to anyone."


 Texas Phenomenological Psychology Research Center is chosen to be Phenomenological organization website of the week by The World Institute for Advanced Phenomenological Research and Learning.
                                                          Transcendental Meditation.   

                                                                                                             Maharish Mahesh Yogi, the founder of transcendental Meditation, was born in January 12, 1918 in India and died in February 5, 2008. Maharishi possessed the extraordinary human qualities in the practice of transcendental meditation. Maharish once wrote, "Cosmic law is that absolute state of pure consciousness which knows no change."Maharishi's teachings "the highest level of consciousness" is  when one is in a state of pure consciousness (nothingness) and bliss.   .Maharishi  founded several schools,colleges, and universities.               

  Jean Paul Sartre- Sartre was a professor of philosophy, novelist, dramatist, critic and outspoken existentialist . Sartre was an independent writer who has published over hundreds of books. A few of his early psychological studies are L'Imagination (1936) Esquisse d'une theorie des emotions (outline of theory of emotions)(1939),The Psychology of Imagination (1940), and Being and Nothingness (1943). He died at the age of 75 in Paris in 1980.                                                                     

 May 1, 2012                                     France

 Francois Hollande was born in Rouen to a middle class family. He was a student of political science and administration. He lived in the United States in the summer of 1974 while he was attending a university. He was the first secretary of the French Socialist Party, mayor of Tulle,and the president of the General Council of Correze. President Nicols Sakozy lags Hollande by 6-10 points in opinion polls for the run off election for May 6- 2012. Texas Pheno. predicts Sarkozy will lose the final election.

May 6, 2012   Right                                                                                                                          
 President Nicols Sarkozy lost the second term election to Hollande by 48.1 to 51.9 percent. It is the first time a president lost election for the second term in the history of France since 1981. Texas Pheno. predicted Sakozy would lose the final election on May 1, 2012.
Houston Chronicle.                         Brazil                                                                                   Alto Paraiso, " This place has powerful energy, much more than Machu Picchu," the ancient Incan city in Peru,said Erogom Abraham, founder of a center for energetic healing on the towns's outskirts.Many Brazilians will head for high central plains to partake of the fabled"energy" that the residents believe emanate from region they claim is the heart of the planet. When the new years arrives , Abrham expects to have 500 visitors meditating at his Arcadia Foundation,created in 1991 to help people achieve equilibrium of body, mind, and spirit. Alto Paraiso is located 730 miles northwest of Rio de Janiero, Brazil 


May 25, 2012.   Shafiq, the last prime minister to serve under Mubark is prepared to face off against Mohammed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood in a runoff in June 16-17-2012. Texas Pheno. predicts  Shafiq will lose the final election of Egypt.                                                                                                                                      
 June  18 - 2012.  Right
 Shafiq, the last prime minister to serve under Mubark lost the runoff election to Morsi. Dr. Morsi  is the winner of the runoff election. Texas Pheno. predicted  Shafiq would lose the final election on  May 25, 2012. President Morsi will have  adverse situations ahead of him.


October  5, 2012.    Venezuela-The election polls will open on October 7, 2012. Texas pheno predicts Capriles will lose the final election   to President Chavez .

October   8, 2012. Right.                                                                                                                                          President Chavez  won the presidency  by 54% for the 4th.term in Venezuela. Texas  Pheno predicted Captiles would lose the final election on October 5, 2012.

 February 10, 2013.                                     SOUTH KOREA                                                                                                      Park Geun-hye of the governing Grand National Party,was elected president becoming the country's first woman to hold the post. .Park defeated Moon Joe-in  the candidancy of the Democratic United Party. Park is the daughter of the country' former leader who rebuild the country's economy after the Korean war . Texas Pheno predicts a historic visit by President Park Geun-hye to Japan.

.June 19, 2013                                 MIAMI,FLORIDA

 Last night San Antonia lost by 100 to 103 to Miami  in the 6th round basketball match. Texas pheno predicts Miami will win the 7th round which is the final championship  that will be played tomorrow.

June  21 - 2013  Right

 San Antonia lost by 88 to 95 to Miami  the final  basketball championship last night on June 20-2013. Texas pheno predicted Miami would win the 7th round   in June 19, 2013.

  JULY 22 , 2013                                                        ARCTIC                                                                                                          

 National territorial land rights are recognized for all countries surrounding the Arctic pole , but the rights extend to which nations can control Arctic coastal waters is still unresolved. Large petroleum and natural gas deposits exist in the northern areas of Alaska , U.S.A., Canada, Russia. According to American Geological survey,"30% of gas and 15% of oil  world reserve are found in the Arctic." Russians claim over a large part of the resources .  Arctic pole will melt and cause flooding along the coastal cites in the coming years.                                                         

  February 10, 2014                         NETLIST                                                                                                                                        Netlist (NLST) chipmaker  C.E.O.   C.K.Hong in the company  statement said, "In the fourth quarter we posted a significant improvement in year over year results." Texas pheno predicts a new high. It is trading 1.70 per share today. Year range (low$ .51 High $1.97 )  

February 13, 2014    Right                                                                                                                                                                 Netlist  traded high at $2.13 per share today. Texas Pheno predicted  Netlist would reach a new high  on February 10, 2014.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        March 2, 2014.                                  UKRAIN                                                                                                                                     Ukrain's population of 46 million have divided loyalists between  Russia  and European Union. Ousted president Yanukovich is in Russia for protection. Ukrain is dependent on Russia for oil and gas.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        CHINA RECYCLING ENERGY                                                                                                   China Recycling Energy (CREG) a leading industrial waste-to energy  solution provider in China traded ($.88-$4.60) in 52 weeks range. It is trading at $3.09 today March 3-2014. Texas pheno predicts a new high. 

 March 24, 2014    Right.

 China Recycling Energy (CREG) reached a new high $6.05    on higher than an average volume on  monday.More than 5,632,000 of shares  traded 40 times it's average 95,671. Texas Pheno predicted China Recycling would reach  a new high on March 3, 2014.


 Arotech (ARTX) is a defense and security products  service company. In 52 weeks range it was trading ($1.00 $6.61.) It closed at $ 4.81 per share today May 16, 2014. Texas pheno predicts a new high.

June 28, 2014                                    2014 WORLD CUP                

 2014 world cup began June 12  to conclude on July 13 with the final. It is the second time that Brazil has hosted the competition, the first being in 1950. All seven previous world cups tournaments in the Americas were won by South American teams. Texas pheno predicts 2014 world cup will be won by an European team.

July 14, 2014.  Right.

Germany is the first European team that won the world cup  in the Americas. Germany won the world cup in 2014 against Argentina by 1 -0 in an extra half an hour game. Texas pheno predicted an European team would win the world cup in June 28, 2014.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          November 21, 2014.                                    O.P.E.C                                                                                                                   OPEC members call for cartel to curb production and force up prices. Oil prices have been falling in the world market from $115 a barrel to $75 a barrel.  Venezuela wants a fair market to be $100 a barrel but Saudi Arabia  wants $70 a barrel.                                                                                                                                                             

March 26, 2015                                         YEMEN                                                                                                                      The Gulf States are sending their troops to help the Yemeni government from collapsing.  Iran warns the Gulf States the civil war could spread across the region. The Houthi withdrew from their earlier held territories and more Yemeni  refugees are expected to leave the country.

April 22, 2015.                                             EUROPEAN UNION

The Mediterranean migrants are crossing the borders to Europe. Deaths are 30 times higher than 2014. European Union authorized  the law enforcement to  destroy the ships used to smuggle people via Italy, Greece, Spain and Malta.. Once the Mediterranean migrants reach Europe many of them apply for asylum to U.K., Australia , and  America.                                                                                                                  

June 19, 2015.                                            THE HORN OF AFRICA

Ethiopia overtakes  Kenya as Africa's biggest registered refugees with 736,100. In addition, Yemenis fleeing from Saudi led airstrikes ,are arriving in small boats across narrow straits to Djibouti and Somalia.  Some of the refugees are also crossing the borders of Djibouti, and Somalia to Ethiopia.

December 8, 2015.     YEMEN CIVIL WAR

President Abu-Rabbu Mansour Hadi accepted the UN on Monday, the UN-sponsored peace talks aimed at ending the civil war . "The Iran supported the Shia Houthis that are committed to the peace process laid down by the Security Council in April."said, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, the special envoy to Yemen. Texas pheno predicts the arrival of UN peace keeping forces in Yemen.

  May 13 - 2016                                    BRAZIL

Brasilia . The decision made by President Dilma Rousseff to appoint former President Lula as a new chief of staff promoted anti-government demonstrations across Brazil. President Rousseff had justified the decision to appoint Lula as a chief of staff saying that his political skills would strengthen her administation but the opposition activists accused the President as a cover up for violating the budgetary laws. The Senate voted to impeach the President. Dilma Rousssef is the first woman president of Brazil , and 54 millions  Brazilians voted for her.


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